It has been another great week here in East Lansing! We had a really busy week with transfer planning and we have another busy week coming up!
Monday, we transfer planned most of the day and then me and Elder Norton finished up doing some shopping and stuff!
Tuesday, we transfer planned again most of the day and then we went and took our new trailer to do some minor maintenance to make sure that we are good to go for transfers this next week. Then we went and got a table that Sister Jacobsen bought for the mission home but it was too big for her to take home in her car.
Wednesday, we headed to Kalamazoo to go to their district meeting and then went to district lunch with them to Cosco. All of the missionaries were trying to get us to tell them where they were getting transferred and it was weird knowing where all of them were going but I was able to keep it a secret until we did transfer calls yesterday. After that we went back to the office and finished up transfer planning.
Thursday, we started working on logistics (figuring out how we are going to get all of the missionaries to their new areas) and then we met with President Jacobsen again to talk about some of the new missionaries coming in and who we thought would be the best trainer for them. After that we went to dinner with Maurcio! He is probably one of my favorite people in the world. He is from Brazil and is blind. He has the best outlook on life that I have ever seen and it is always so uplifting to spend time with him. After dinner we went to the mission home to call the new zone leaders and sister training leaders.
Yesterday, we called all of the missionaries that are getting transferred then we headed to Grand Rapids to get a few apartments ready that we are putting missionaries in and then we picked up the trailer with the new decal.
This next week will be super busy and we will be going nonstop and getting little sleep but it will be a lot of fun. I love serving in East Lansing and being able to serve as an Assistant to President Jacobsen!! Sorry that this email isn't longer and is kind of boring but we mainly were in the office all week. But thanks for all of the prayers and support!
Elder Bloskas
P.S. Here is a picture of the new trailer and decal! Also I included a picture that was taken of me last week as I was sliding into 3rd base in water kick ball!!
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